About Your Patent Expert 
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Your Patent Expert
Do you really need a patent expert to get a patent?
Why do you need a patent expert to get a patent?
The patent application process is somewhat complex. It has a lot of forms and rules. And you trying to do this yourself and making bad or incorrect statements to the Patent Office can hurt your patent protection.
Does, Steve, Your Patent Expert need to be located in the same state/country as your office or home?
No, Steve working on your patent case as Your Patent Expert does not need to be located in the same state as your home or office. Patent cases, in the U.S., are under U.S. federal law and this means, Your Patent Expert can reside and practice in any state relative to your home state or home country.
Why should Steve be Your Patent Expert?
Steve (as well as many of his law partners at his law firm www.srtslaw.com) have over twenty years in the business of getting patents for their clients throughout the world. What makes Steve very unique is that he was an expert who worked at the United States Patent Office (USPTO) as a Utility Patent Examiner.
Are there other patent experts?
Yes, there are other patent experts. Other patent experts are registered patent lawyers with at least seven years of practicing patent law. However, not all patent experts are like Steve and have worked at the Patent Office (USPTO).
Steve, Your Patent Expert, works at a law firm. Is that a good thing?
Yes. Steve is also a patent lawyer who works for a law firm. And that is a good thing since, as a lawyer, he gives you the highest protection available for your ideas and inventions under the law - THE ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGE.
Is Steve, Your Patent Expert, cheap?
Steve is not cheap. But Steve is not expensive either. Steve is fair based on his level of experience. Steve works with my entrepreneurs and garage-based inventors as well as many start-up companies using a flat fee billing model.
What is Steve, Your Patent Expert's main goal, if you want to pay for patent protection?
Steve wants you to make money with your patent. If you can't make money with your idea and your patent, then Steve will tell you that before you continue any further.
What should I do before I reach out to Steve, Your Patent Expert?
You should first read Steve's FREE Patent Primer that you can download here. Then you can call or e-mail Steve to schedule a FREE 1/2 Hour consultation with Steve to figure out if he is a good fit for your idea and if patent protection makes sense for you. Steve will ask and he will know if you do not read his patent primer before your FREE 1/2 Hour consultation.
If Steve knows you did not read the primer, he will stop the FREE consult and get back to you when you have read the document.
BRIEF INFO ABOUT STEVE - Your Patent Expert:
Steve is an intellectual property lawyer, which means he works on patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. Steve noticed that the Internet did not have a simple website or tool which explains the patent process in simple terms, so he developed this website. Steve lives in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area in the state of Georgia. He is married and has three children. Steve’s passion outside of patents is tennis. He plays regularly and is a recovering singles player who plays a lot more doubles tennis than he used to compared to his high school days of many moons ago.
Steven P. Wigmore, Esq
Intellectual Property Law Specialists
50 Glenlake Parkway
Suite 340
Atlanta, GA 30328 - USA
Steve’s phone number: 678-775-8788
Steve’s E-mail: Steve@YourPatentExpert.com
Steve’s law firm: http://www.srtslaw.com
More info about steve and his professional career can be found on Linked-In:
